Thursday 30 June 2022

AEMaaCS - ACS AEM Commons, Netcentric Accesscontroltool, AEM Groovy Console and Context-Aware-Configuration Editor


What is ACS AEM Commons, Netcentric Accesscontroltool, AEM Groovy Console and Context-Aware-Configuration Editor?

ACS AEM Commons

A way to bootstrap AEM projects with common functionality, a set of reusable components, and an AEM development toolkit.

Access Control Tool for Adobe Experience Manager

The Access Control Tool for Adobe Experience Manager (AC Tool) simplifies the specification and deployment of complex Access Control Lists in AEM. Instead of existing solutions that build e.g. a content package with actual ACL nodes you can write simple configuration files and deploy them with your content packages. See Comparison to other approches for a comprehensive overview.

AEM Groovy Console

The AEM Groovy Console provides an interface for running Groovy scripts in Adobe Experience Manager. Scripts can be created to manipulate content in the JCR, call OSGi services, or execute arbitrary code using the AEM, Sling, or JCR APIs. After installing the package in AEM (instructions below), see the console page for documentation on the available bindings and methods. Sample scripts are included in the package for reference.

Configuration Editor

The configuration editor can be used by AEM author users to read and write configuration data mapped to the current context pages.


  • Manage Context-Aware Configuration by creating an editor page in the content context
  • Manage singleton configuration, configuration collections and nested configurations
  • Display all configuration metadata and default values
  • Support all data types and arrays of values
  • Control collection and property inheritance and support overridden values
  • Allows to define custom widgets for configuration properties like pathbrowser
  • Publish configuration

How to Deploy on AEM as a cloud service

This can be deploy using embedded packages in all module's pom.xml
For example check the below commit


ACS Common


ACL Tool


Groovy Console


Context-Aware-Configuration Editor

Version Compatibility Check

Known Issues

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